For a B House to run successfully on a democratic basis, it must have certain elected officers. It is part of the B House tradition to make sure that officers do not become so entrenched that other members of the house do not have an equal voice in its management. Therefore, no officer shall serve longer than six months in the same office for one continuous period of time. All Houses
generally have the following elected officers:
The election of both a treasurer and controller emphasizes the importance each CFC Recovery House places on money management. The two officers are able to divide rent collection and help each other with the payment of bills. Houses elect a “Coordinator” to help schedule daily and weekly work details to keep the house clean – inside and outside. The election of officers is necessary because they
provide the leadership for the House to work well. The officers can serve continuously for only six
months in any particular office, i.e. after an intervening six-month period an individual can be re-
elected to an office in which he or she has already served.
Weekly House Meetings
It is important to have a House meeting at least once a week. Each house will find the particular
hour or half-hour, which is the most convenient for the majority of its residing members.
A meeting should be used to:
Report on the current financial status of the House
Consider new applications for membership
Resolve any problem affecting members in the House
Resolve general complaints about maintenance of the House
Consider proposals or projects to be undertaken by the House